California Criminal Defense, Cryptocurrency, Immigration And Personal Injury Legal Blog

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Challenges of bringing a sibling to the US

Posted by Bulldog Law | Mar 12, 2024 | 0 Comments

Living in the United States offers exciting opportunities and a better quality of life. Yet, being away from family for months or even years can be painfully lonely. If you are a U.S. citizen, bringing your sibling to the country is possible. Family-based immigration can be a lengthy process fill...

What is green card marriage fraud?

Posted by Bulldog Law | Dec 21, 2023 | 0 Comments

One of the potential ways to obtain a green card is through marriage. This gives someone permanent resident status. They are not a citizen, but a green card is highly beneficial if they've gotten married to someone who is a citizen. The green card allows this new spouse to stay in the United Stat...

Key steps involved in the K-1 fiancee visa process

Posted by Bulldog Law | Feb 12, 2022 | 0 Comments

Getting engaged is cause for celebration. It means that you have found someone with whom to spend your life. It also means that you might eventually own a house together and start a family. All of that can be particularly challenging if you have fallen in love with someone outside of the country....

Can you help your children immigrate to the United States?

Posted by Bulldog Law | Jan 25, 2022 | 0 Comments

As a parent, your relationship with your children is important to you. Separation caused by time and distance cannot undo the connection between parent and child, but it can still leave you feeling lonely.  You may have had a child with someone who lives in another country, and they raised your c...

We offer criminal defense, immigration, personal injury and cryptocurrency legal services in both English and Spanish. Call us at 800-787-1930 for a free consultation.

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