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Sources of evidence to use when building a car accident case

On Behalf of | Nov 15, 2023 | Motor Vehicle Accidents

Feelings of shock and fear or even excruciating pain are common occurrences after a collision. But if your injuries don’t require an ambulance ride straight to the emergency room, collecting as much evidence as possible to back up your accident claim is crucial.

What’s considered to be evidence?

If your mobile phone is intact, using it can help you collect a good amount of proof of the crash. Photos and videos of the aftermath can be valuable in your case. This should include snapshots of vehicle damage, injuries, skid marks, and the overall scene. Opening your notes app to take down the other driver’s insurance and contact information is also a good idea. Additionally, using your phone to call 9-1-1 will lead to a formal report of the case by a police officer. A copy of the police report is not only available to insurance companies, but you can also ask for one. The officer will talk to everyone at the scene to get the full scope. You also reserve the right to speak with witnesses in the area; just be sure to take detailed notes or audio recordings.

What can I do after leaving the scene?

Your main priority should be seeing a doctor. Even with minor injuries, a check-up to make sure you are healthy is essential. Plus, if you do have immediate or delayed injuries, getting a record of the bills and injury-related expenses will help in your path to fair compensation. You’ll likely encounter other expenses or loss of income after the crash, so keep a record of that as well. Once you’ve taken the time to care for yourself, file a claim with insurance as early as possible. You won’t want to miss a deadline, but you’ll also want to gather sufficient supporting documentation—finding a balance is critical.

Fortunately, dealing with the aftermath of a crash doesn’t have to be a solo endeavor. Consulting with an attorney might alleviate any stress or confusion and help strengthen your odds of seeking the justice you truly deserve.