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Can a hotel be liable for your slip and fall injuries?

Posted by Bulldog Law | Apr 09, 2024 | 0 Comments

Establishments such as hotels must keep their premises safe to protect guests like you from foreseeable harm. Overlooking hazards such as slippery floors or broken elevators can result in preventable slip and fall accidents. You may hold the hotel accountable if such oversights lead to your injury.

However, hotels are not automatically at fault for every incident on their property. If you slip and fall during your stay, you must prove that the hotel's negligence caused your injuries.

Why do slip and fall accidents happen in hotels?

Lack of upkeep can increase the risk of accidents on hotel property. Issues like short-staffing, budget cuts or poor management may contribute to an unsafe hotel environment, leaving guests like you to suffer the consequences.

Some common causes of slip and fall accidents in hotels are:

  • Spills
  • Poor lighting
  • Loose carpeting
  • Broken tiles
  • Broken stair handrails
  • Malfunctioning elevators
  • Clutter or debris
  • Swimming pools

These may seem like minor issues, but their impact can be far-reaching. You could sustain broken bones and fractures to severe injuries such as traumatic brain injury and nerve damage. Beyond immediate medical care, you may need long-term treatment and take time away from work. This can hit hard financially.

Pursuing compensation for your slip and fall may provide the financial relief you need to recover.

Recovering compensation for your hotel slip and fall injuries

Securing compensation demands solid evidence. You must prove that the hotel was aware or should have reasonably known about the unsafe condition.

Photos of the scene and records from your hospital visit can be pivotal in your case. Additionally, CCTV footage and witness testimonies may help back up your claims.

Taking legal action against a hotel is far from easy. With their reputation at stake, the hotel and their legal team may go to great lengths to shield themselves. Moreover, there are several documents to prepare and deadlines to meet. Investigations can also take time.

Hotels are associated with relaxation and comfort, not injuries. A skilled attorney can assess if you have a viable compensation claim, help you collect evidence and guide you toward your next steps. The sooner you talk to a lawyer, the faster they can build your case.

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