If you face the possibility deportation, the first thing to know is not to give up. Many people have successfully challenged deportation orders, and you could, too, if you hire the right California immigration attorney.
If the deportation is based on alleged criminal offenses, then defending against those charges would be your lawyer's first course of action. Even if you cannot defeat the charge, you may be able to convince a judge that your offense is not sufficient grounds for deportation. Judges have a lot of leeway in this aspect, and if the prosecution or immigration authorities are pushing the judge in one direction, your immigration lawyer will need to push them in the other.
For the best possible chance of avoiding deportation, your attorney may implement the following:
Get your paperwork in order
Your immigration status can affect the court's ability to deport you. If you have overlooked updating paperwork, putting it in order could put you in a much stronger position. If you are in a position to apply for permanent residency, doing so could nullify the threat of deportation that hangs over your head.
Challenge the judge's decision
While a judge's decision may appear final, you have the right to appeal. Your appeal goes first to the Board of Immigration, then, if necessary, to the Federal Courts of Appeals.
Apply for asylum
Sometimes the reasons you do not want to return to your country of birth are so compelling that you can seek asylum. If returning would put your life in danger, this may be an option that shouldn't be overlooked.
The immigration authorities can seek to hurry deportation orders along, so the sooner you get appropriate legal help to understand your options, the more time you have to protect your right to remain in the United States. You fought hard to get here, so be prepared to hire a California immigration attorney who will fight hard for you to stay.
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