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Can prescription drugs land you in legal trouble?

Posted by Bulldog Law | Apr 25, 2022 | 0 Comments

Many people rely on prescription drugs to help handle illnesses and chronic conditions. However, could these legal drugs lead to criminal charges?

Controlled substances

People often associate the term “controlled substances” with illicit drugs such as cocaine and heroin. Nevertheless, the term also applies to prescription drugs. Thus, criminal offenses involving “controlled substances” can also apply to prescription drugs under certain circumstances.

Can you continue to drive?

If you are unsure of the side effects of your medicine, you should double-check with your doctor. They will also be able to tell you whether or not it is safe to drive while you are medicated. California Vehicle Code §23152 states that it is unlawful for a person to drive “while under the influence.” This applies to both alcohol and drugs, whether legal or illicit. If the medication you are on causes you to make errors while on the road and the police pull you over, you could be hit with DUI charges.

Your intentions matter

A prescription is designed to help you, and only you. You may think you are doing the right thing by helping out a friend or family member with a similar condition, but you cannot share medications. You are also not entitled to sell any leftover pills at your disposal.

Even if you are facing drug charges, that doesn't mean you are guilty. Having an experienced California criminal defense attorney by your side will assist you in fighting the charges.

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