It can be difficult to understand exactly what trends are happening in terms of criminal activity. For one thing, the news always makes it seem as if crime is on the rise. But there are also many different types of crime, which will have their independent trends.
That said, there is evidence that many types of crime are actually declining, while others are rising. Studies of the last few years have explored some of the details of these trends.
Motor vehicle theft
One key finding is that motor vehicle theft went up dramatically. Between 2019 and 2023, it rose by a massive 104%. This means that it was roughly twice as likely that someone's car would be stolen just four years later.
Violent offenses
Violent offenses did see a rise between 2019 and 2020. They also rose a bit in 2021. However, since then, violent crime rates have been dropping again. This reflects the overall trend that has been happening for many years, before that short-term increase.
Property and drug crimes
These are two areas where mixed results make things a bit complicated. The levels for a lot of drug and property crimes are very similar in 2023 to what they were in 2020. Drug crimes in particular may not be declining in part because of the opioid epidemic. Many people who are arrested for illegally selling, using or possessing drugs are actually just dealing with the consequences of an addiction.
Have you been accused of one of the crimes noted above? If so, the ramifications can have a drastic impact on your future. Make sure you know exactly what criminal defense options you have.
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