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Running a Stop Sign in California - Vehicle Code 22450 CVC

Posted by Bulldog Law | Sep 02, 2024

Running a Stop Sign

A stop sign is essential for avoiding driving into oncoming traffic. This allows drivers to avoid accidents by being aware of other cars in the vicinity. According to California Vehicle Code 22450a, drivers approaching a stop sign at an intersection or within one are required to stop at a limit line if one is marked. Otherwise, they must enter the crosswalk on the near side of the intersection. 

Running a Stop Sign in California

When there is no crosswalk, the driver will pull over at the entrance to an intersecting roadway. It is recommended that the driver stops at the painted line that protrudes from the corner of the stop sign. On the other hand, if there is no painted line, the driver should stop at the first line. A driver should stop before the intersection of two roads if there is no painted line or crosswalk. 
This section provides five key facts about traffic tickets:

  • If you are found guilty of a violation, you will be fined $238, plus court costs and assessments.
  • If you are cited for failing to stop under CVC 22450, you have the option of paying the fine, enrolling in traffic school (every 18 months), or fighting the ticket in court.
  • If you successfully complete traffic school or fight your ticket, you won't receive points on your DMV record. The violation would otherwise be considered a "one-point" violation. When you receive 4 points in 12 months, 6 points in 24 months, or 8 points in 36 months, you are at risk of losing your negligent operator license.
  • It is possible to hire an attorney to represent you in court. In that case, you do not have to attend court.
  • Ignoring the ticket (neither paying the fine nor appearing in court) will likely result in you being charged with failure to appear under Vehicle Code 40508. A failure to stop at a stop sign is only an infraction, but failing to appear can be a misdemeanor crime. You may also be subject to a driver's license hold under Vehicle Code 40509.5.

Defenses To A Stop Sign Ticket in California

  1. Challenge the officer's observation in the case
  2. Challenge the officer's subjective assessment
  3. Provide evidence to support your conduct
  4. A claim of a factual error
  5. Insist that the sign was only recently installed

California state law penalizes drivers who fail to stop at stop signs with a $238 fine and other fees. Failure to pay the ticket or to appear in court could result in additional fines and a possible suspension of your license. 
Tickets issued for stop signs must be paid prior to the "Notice to Appear" date listed on the ticket. If you choose to pay for the ticket, you admit your guilt. When the payment is received, the court will close the case and send it to the DMV so that the point on your license will be visible. 

Is there a time limit on stopping?

Whenever you stop at a stop sign, California law requires that you come to a complete stop. When a vehicle comes to a complete stop, it has slowed down to zero. Vehicles are not moving forward.
A rolling stop (also known as a California stop) is prohibited under VC 22450. Rolling stops occur when vehicles don't come to a complete stop. Even at a very slow speed, the vehicle is still moving.
Many people believe that the "three-second rule" in California requires all drivers to stop for at least three seconds at stop signs. There is no truth to this. Nevertheless, if you stop for a longer time, you're more likely to avoid a ticket.

How Much is a Ticket for Running a Stop Sign in California?

California's average ticket for failing to stop at a sign is $272. There could be a higher fine amount depending on the county. In any case, a fine of a few hundred dollars shouldn't be paid for something as innocent as a trip to the grocery store. 

Additionally, a point on your driving record could cause your insurance rates to skyrocket. These points remain on your driving record for three years. The DMV may suspend your license if you have points on your record.

What are the penalties for violating VC 22450?

The penalties are:

  1. The issuance of a traffic ticket; and,
  2. You have points on your driving record.

There is no need to attend traffic school. Nevertheless, if you're authorized, you may choose to do so. 
It is generally possible to attend traffic school if you meet the following criteria:

  • Your driver's license is valid.
  • The offense occurred while operating a noncommercial vehicle.
  • There is an infraction on your ticket that is a moving violation.

If you elect to attend a traffic school in California, you will still have to pay your traffic fine. Your driving record should not be affected once you complete the course.

Is violating CVC 22450 VC a crime?

Violating VC 22450 is not a crime. Under California law, these are infractions, and incarceration is not an option.

Is an attorney necessary?

You can represent yourself if you are charged with failing to stop at a stop sign. However, anyone charged with a traffic violation should hire an experienced criminal defense attorney. 

The advantages of hiring a criminal defense lawyer are threefold. These are:

  • You're more likely to get a better deal from prosecutors if you have a lawyer.
  • Defense attorneys know how to reduce and dismiss charges.
  • There is no need to go to court if you have a defense lawyer.

Because every single traffic case is unique, it's important to have an experienced California traffic ticket attorney assist you in your case. You may be able to get your ticket dismissed and expunged, but only a local attorney knows how to best approach your particular situation. The fines and consequences of running the stop sign or driving while suspended or revoked can be quite severe. It's important to consult with a criminal defense lawyer if you are charged with Running a Stop Sign.

About the Author

We offer criminal defense, immigration, personal injury and cryptocurrency legal services in both English and Spanish. Call us at 800-787-1930 for a free consultation.

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