If you get pulled over while you are driving under the influence of marijuana, you could face impaired driving charges. Don't make the mistake of assuming that these charges are just for those who use alcohol. They certainly are more common with alcohol, because it is used more than marijuana, but either type of impairment can lead to an arrest.
However, this can put you in a rather difficult position. The police could give you a breath test to determine if you're over the legal limit for alcohol. But they don't have a breath test for marijuana. So were you actually high when you were driving?
Couldn't the police use a urine test?
There are other types of tests that can detect marijuana, but they work on a long-term basis. Marijuana stays in your system for quite a long time. For example, you may only be high for a few hours, but marijuana products could be detected for the next month in a urine test. If you use a hair test, they could be detected for three months.
This means that a police officer may honestly be able to give you a test and determine that you had THC in your system, but that doesn't really say anything about whether or not you were high when you were behind the wheel. It may have been days since you actually smoked marijuana and you may have been completely sober, but you are still going to fail that drug test.
This can make the situation very complicated, so be sure you know about all the defense options at your disposal.
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